Fiteiro Cultural (Culture Kiosk) is a Public and Contextual Art work created by the artist Fabiana de Barros.
It is a nomadic structure at disposal for artists. This art piece has been settled in several situations around the world: João Pessoa, Athenas, Sion, New York, Havana, Yerevan, São Paulo, Larissa, Dunkerque, Milan, Geneva, Bienne, Berne and Second Life.
The FITEIRO CULTURAL SL is an on going project, specially created for Second Life. At Casa Millagrosa SL, the artists may create art works that will be presented together with the setting of Fiteiro Cultural SL in specific places in Second Life during special events and performances. It´s a new media experimentation laboratory. The invited artists are designing site specific works produced for and by FITEIRO CULTURAL SL.